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Call Alice


Call Alice

19 August 2022 | 21.00
Teatro Remondini,
Bassano del Grappa
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Prezzo: € 5.00


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Protagoniste due donne, due danzatrici, coetanee, cui viene detto di somigliarsi incredibilmente.

Selezione Aerowaves 2022

Two women, both dancers, both the same age, are said to have a remarkable physical resemblance. At first, they have no idea about each other, maybe they just heard that everyone has a double somewhere. But is it possible to find answers through another person? And even though these two women don’t know each other, can they share an emotional bond that transcends geography? Tereza Ondrová and Francesca Foscarini share a long-distance journey moving through topics of changes, loneliness, vulnerability and, finally, acceptance.

Selezione Aerowaves 2022
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