Current Projects
Closed Project
- 360° Building Strategies for Communication in Contemporary Dance
- Act Your Age
- Aerowaves
- Aerowaves – progetto Platform (2017-2020)
- Choreoroam Europe
- CRISCO Crossroad of the Regions-fostering involvement of all citizens in local life to Improve Social Cohesion
- Dancing Museums: Old Masters – New Traces
- Empowering Dance
- EMPOWERING DANCE - The Soft Skills Teaching and Learning Approach
- Migrant Bodies
- Migrant Bodies-moving borders
- Modul Dance
- Performing Gender – Dance makes differences
- Pivot Dance
- Spazio
- SPRAY – Space Regeneration through Art by Youth
Choreoroam Europe

Choreoroam Europe A biannual (2011/2013) choreographic research and artist-in-residence project, promoted with: The Place of London, Dansateliers of Rotterdam, Paso a-2/Certamen Coreogràfico of Madrid, Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance of Zagreb. Two of the shows which will be presented at “B. Motion Danza” arose starting from the research developed in Choreoroam Europe: “So as to not wake the sleeping dragons” by Marco D’Agostin (22/08) and “All dressed up With Nowhere To Go” by Giorgia Nardin (25/08). Both these works have also been awarded the “Prospettiva Danza” Prize, in 2012 and 2013 respectively, and Marco D’Agostin’s show has also been chosen to represent the Veneto Region for the project “Theaters of the Present Time”, promoted by the Mibac and by 10 participating Italian regions.
This work programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.