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SPRAY – Space Regeneration through Art by Youth

SPRAY – Space Regeneration through Art by Youth strives to turn sporadic experiments into bottom-up initiatives driven by youth in a co-creation process aimed at urban and social sustainability of quarters. SPRAY believes in the opportunity to reconcile street art and urban and social regeneration through the empowerment of youths at the European level for them to act as multipliers of sustainability in their own communities. SPRAY responds to the need of regenerating degraded quarters in both urban and social terms, by using art and, specifically, street art. Moreover, it empowers young citizens to take up the renewal of their own town through a bottom-up approach, while inverting the perspective associating graffiti with vandalism and the disfigurement of public spaces. Urban regeneration pursued through artistic and cultural participation by citizens can trigger a virtuous circle of local identities and public spaces rediscovery.

Project coordinator: Comune di Bassano del Grappa (IT)
Partner: ALDA Association des Agences de la democratie locale (Francia), Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto (Slovenia), Center for Democracy Foundation (Serbia), Clube Intercultural Europeu (Portogallo), Coalition of youth organizations SEGA Association (North Macedonia), Invictus Project (Irlanda), Kitev – Kultur im Turm (Germania), LDA Mostar (Bosnia/Erzegovina), Municipalità di Pargauja (Lettonia), The House of National Minorities (Repubblica Ceca).
The project also involved some Municipalities part of the project “Comunità Patrimonio Cultura per il contrasto alla povertà culturale” supported by Fondazione Cariverona.



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