- Sottotitolo:
Chiara Frigo / Silvia Gribaudi / Marigia Maggipinto
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardino Parolini
- Prezzo:
- Orario:
- Eventi Correlati:
- Tipologia:
national première
concept and creation by
Chiara Frigo
Silvia Gribaudi
Marigia Maggipinto
production Zebra
in collaboration with Operaestate Festival Veneto
3 Passi (3 Steps) is a choreographic game created by the artists Marigia Maggipinto, Chiara Frigo and Silvia Gribaudi, that first met online during the lockdown. The project involved nearly 100 people, that participated to this exercises for imagination articulated into physical practices, questions, snapshots of lives. The performance presented during B.Motion is the third and last step of this journey started online, that finally is transformed into a live meeting.
--> Performance streamed online during "B.Motion On Zoom" on August 21st and 23rd at 4pm. Followed by live Q&A on the 21st.
Register here and don't miss fresh performances brought to you from Bassano del Grappa.
- Sottotitolo:
Chiara Frigo / Silvia Gribaudi / Marigia Maggipinto
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardino Parolini
- Prezzo:
- Orario:
- Eventi Correlati:
- Tipologia:
national première
concept and creation by
Chiara Frigo
Silvia Gribaudi
Marigia Maggipinto
production Zebra
in collaboration with Operaestate Festival Veneto
3 Passi (3 Steps) is a choreographic game created by the artists Marigia Maggipinto, Chiara Frigo and Silvia Gribaudi, that first met online during the lockdown. The project involved nearly 100 people, that participated to this exercises for imagination articulated into physical practices, questions, snapshots of lives. The performance presented during B.Motion is the third and last step of this journey started online, that finally is transformed into a live meeting.
--> Performance streamed online during "B.Motion On Zoom" on August 21st and 23rd at 4pm. Followed by live Q&A on the 21st.
Register here and don't miss fresh performances brought to you from Bassano del Grappa.
- Sottotitolo:
Chiara Frigo / Silvia Gribaudi / Marigia Maggipinto
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardino Parolini
- Prezzo:
- Orario:
- Eventi Correlati:
- Tipologia:
national première
concept and creation by
Chiara Frigo
Silvia Gribaudi
Marigia Maggipinto
production Zebra
in collaboration with Operaestate Festival Veneto
3 Passi (3 Steps) is a choreographic game created by the artists Marigia Maggipinto, Chiara Frigo and Silvia Gribaudi, that first met online during the lockdown. The project involved nearly 100 people, that participated to this exercises for imagination articulated into physical practices, questions, snapshots of lives. The performance presented during B.Motion is the third and last step of this journey started online, that finally is transformed into a live meeting.
--> Performance streamed online during "B.Motion On Zoom" on August 21st and 23rd at 4pm. Followed by live Q&A on the 21st.
Register here and don't miss fresh performances brought to you from Bassano del Grappa.
- Sottotitolo:
Chiara Frigo / Silvia Gribaudi / Marigia Maggipinto
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardino Parolini
- Prezzo:
- Orario:
- Eventi Correlati:
- Tipologia:
national première
concept and creation by
Chiara Frigo
Silvia Gribaudi
Marigia Maggipinto
production Zebra
in collaboration with Operaestate Festival Veneto
3 Passi (3 Steps) is a choreographic game created by the artists Marigia Maggipinto, Chiara Frigo and Silvia Gribaudi, that first met online during the lockdown. The project involved nearly 100 people, that participated to this exercises for imagination articulated into physical practices, questions, snapshots of lives. The performance presented during B.Motion is the third and last step of this journey started online, that finally is transformed into a live meeting.
--> Performance streamed online during "B.Motion On Zoom" on August 21st and 23rd at 4pm. Followed by live Q&A on the 21st.
Register here and don't miss fresh performances brought to you from Bassano del Grappa.
- Accessibilità:
- Sottotitolo:
Hands Up
- Summary:
“Mani in alto” prende ispirazione da una posizione che viene utilizzata in diversi contesti culturali, sociali e religiosi.
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardini Parolini
- Prezzo:
€ 5.00
- Orario:
- Tipologia:
- Acquista Biglietto:
Acquista Biglietto
ideazione, coreografia e performance Agniete Lisickinaite
mentore Bush Hartson
costumi Morta Nakaite
video Odeta Ryskute
luci Povilas Laurinaitis
produzione Domante Tirylyte / BE COMPANY
con il supporto di Lithuanian Council for Culture
in collaborazione con Lithuanian Cultural Attaché to Sweden, Finland and Denmark, Lithuanian Culture Institute
Hands Up, cioè “mani in alto”, prende ispirazione da una posizione che viene utilizzata in diversi contesti culturali, sociali e religiosi. Al centro di questa azione coreografica è il contesto della protesta: una pratica che in Lituania, Paese d’origine della coreografa, è associata all’epoca - ormai romanticizzata - del movimento delle riforme, ma che, nel contesto dei recenti eventi, vale la pena di indagare come base di libertà in una società democratica. Questa performance di danza, ispirata dalla pratica delle proteste, esamina la fragile distanza tra arresa e devozione a una causa, ma anche di riconciliazione e resistenza, attraverso domande come: quale tipo di protesta inizieremo? Sarà un simbolo di
libertà o un’aggressione? Con gli spettatori invitati a partecipare all’azione che indaga, tra coinvolgimento e osservazione, proprio queste

The European Commission support for this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Accessibilità:
- Sottotitolo:
Hands Up
- Summary:
HANDS UP is a physical body position reflected in many different cultural, social and religious contexts. Here, the topic is a protest culture: in the context of recent world events, it is worth questioning the notion of protest culture as a virtue in itself.
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Giardini Parolini
- Prezzo:
€ 5.00
- Orario:
- Tipologia:
- Acquista Biglietto:
Acquista Biglietto
HANDS UP is a physical body position reflected in many different cultural, social and religious contexts. Here, the topic is a protest culture: in the context of recent world events, it is worth questioning the notion of protest culture as a virtue in itself. This performance examines the fragile distance between surrender and devotion, reconciliation and resistance. Raising such questions as: what kind of Protest Baby will we raise? Will it be a symbol of freedom or aggression?

The European Commission support for this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Accessibilità:
- Sottotitolo:
Study 4, fandango and other cadences
- Summary:
Dopo una lunga ricerca dedicata ai gesti martellanti in danza, Aina Alegre invita l’artista e amico Yannick Hugron a raccontare la propria esperienza di interprete di danze popolari basche.
- Data evento:
- Dove:
Teatro al Castello "Tito Gobbi"
- Prezzo:
€ 5.00
- Orario:
- Tipologia:
- Luogo alternativo:
Sala Da Ponte
- Acquista Biglietto:
Acquista Biglietto
ideazione Aina Alegre
in collaborazione con Yannick Hugron
performance Aina Alegre, Yannick Hugron
supporto artistico Quim Bigas, Capucine Intrup
stage manager Guillaume Olmeta
produzione STUDIO FICTIF
co-produzione: Festival of Avignon & SACD, Malandain Ballet Biarritz / Centre Chorégraphique National of NouvelleAquitaine in Pyrénées-Atlantique, CNDC – Angers
Dopo una lunga ricerca dedicata ai gesti martellanti in danza, l’artista catalana, ma attiva a Parigi, Aina Alegre invita l’artista e amico Yannick Hugron a raccontare la propria esperienza di interprete di danze popolari basche. Gli chiede di fare un tuffo nel passato, nella memoria del suo corpo, e di dare vita a una storia che sappia accendere l’immaginazione. Un racconto che porta l’artista ad ampliare la ricerca: dopo aver raccolto altri frammenti di storie da altri interpreti e da musicisti sul campo, nei Paesi Baschi, Alegre e Hugron mettono insieme questa collezione di memorie direttamente sul palcoscenico. Insieme in scena mappano e reinterpretano le storie, i movimenti e i gesti raccolti durante queste conversazioni, in modo da attivare anche la propria memoria e comporre una propria originale narrazione coreografica.
Selezione Aerowaves 2022

The European Commission support for this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.